Aaron Frost
Aaron and his wife Elizabeth (Lizzy) have been married since 2012. They have two children, Chloe (2015) and Michael (2019). Aaron grew up in Vermont, and has had a desire to minister here since he was a teenager. Aaron and Lizzy both graduated from Bible College in 2014, and they have been serving Christ in the Rutland area ever since. They were led by God to Ira Baptist in November of 2020. Aaron has a desire to teach God’s word, see Christ’s church grow in faith and unity, and share the Gospel of Grace as he lives and ministers to those around him.
Aaron has a Bachelor of Biblical Studies in Pastoral Ministry from Crown College in Powell, Tn. He is currently pursuing a Master of Divinity with an emphasis in Biblical Languages from Luther Rice Seminary in Lithonia, Ga.
Denis Lincoln
Bio Coming Soon
Matt Atkins
Matt Atkins is an Electrician, Father of 4 and Husband. Matt and Esther were married in 2000 and have four children. The Atkins joined the family at Ira Baptist in 2007. Matt is a regular teacher and sometimes preacher at IBC. The passion of Matt’s heart is that every Man, Woman and Child that comes through the doors of IBC comes face to face with the Living God, through the clear, concise preaching and teaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Sean Barrows